
Equation to Graph

Plot & download mathematical equations as graphs

conversion utility
Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate lorem ipsum placeholder text

designer developer
Word Cloud Generator

Word frequency based text visualization

designer image
Color Picker

Select & identify colors from your images

designer utility
JSON Formatter

Format / Beautify JSON

Python Online Compiler

Run Python code instantly in your browser

Regex Tester

Test and refine your regular expressions instantly

Base64 Decode

Decode Base64 encoded text

developer conversion
Base64 Encode

Encode text to Base64 format

developer conversion
Convert CSV to JSON

CSV to JSON converter

developer conversion
Convert JSON to CSV

JSON to CSV converter

developer conversion
Decode URL

URL Decoder - Online Quick Tool

developer conversion
Encode URL

URL Encoder

developer conversion
Markdown Previewer

Convert markdown and mermaidjs text to html

developer designer
Base64 to Image

Convert a Base64 encoded string to an image

developer image
Image to Base64

Convert an image to a Base64 encoded string

developer image
Loan Calculator

Calculate monthly payments for your loan

Retirement Calculator

Calculate how much you need for a retirement

Image to Chessboard

Set up chessboard directly from image

image chess
Compress Image

Compress your image by reducing its quality

image utility
Guitar Tuner

Tune up & rock out with this standard guitar tuner

Ukulele Tuner

Tune up & play with this standard ukulele tuner

PDF Merge

Merge multiple PDFs

PDF Split

Split a PDF into individual pages

QR Code Generator

Generate a QR Code for your website or any text

QR Code Reader

Scan or upload a QR code to read it

Password Generator

Generate secure passwords with various options

RSA Key Generator

Generate RSA public and private keys

Flip a coin

Flip a coin multiple times and see the results

Word, Character counter

Count words, characters and more

Chess next move

Calculate the best move using Stockfish

utility chess
Chess PGN Viewer

Replay famous chess matches & analyze games

utility chess
Half Width & Full Width Converter

Convert half-width characters to full-width

utility conversion